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Exclusive Interview with Margaret Mantor, Author of Air and Ashes

In a world hidden within our own, genetically engineered beings known as Elementums battle for survival in a war between a corrupt organization, the Clinic, and their only refuge, Arcadius. At the heart of this conflict is Emma Cross, a seemingly ordinary girl who uncovers shocking truths about her family’s past, herself, and the secret war she was unknowingly born into. As Emma navigates her newfound alliances and growing attraction for an icy Elementum, she must decide where she belongs in this world of deception and danger.

Today, we’re thrilled to sit down with Margaret Mantor, the brilliant mind behind Air and Ashes, to discuss the inspiration behind her debut novel, the complex world she has built, and what readers can expect next.

1. What inspired you to create the hidden world of Elementums in Air and Ashes?

Margaret Mantor: The idea of the Elementums came to me in a dream. Taking that concept, I started imagining a world where genetic engineering could lead to superhuman abilities and how it could create a divide between those who were created and those in power who control them. The hidden world of the Elementums is a reflection of the dilemmas and consequences people face when  pushed to the extreme to save the ones they love through genetic enhancement but also dealing with the aftermath of the choices you make and the ones made for you.

2. Can you tell us about Emma Cross, the protagonist, and what makes her stand out in a world filled with superhuman beings?

Margaret Mantor: Emma’s journey is one of self-discovery and survival. What makes her unique is that she doesn’t start out as a powerful figure. She’s a misfit—half-human, half-Elementum—and she’s thrust into this secret war she never knew existed. Her strength lies in her adaptability, her willingness to fight for the truth, and her resilience. Emma isn’t perfect, and that’s what makes her relatable. She’s learning, growing, and trying to make sense of her place in the world, just like any of us.

3. Deception and uncovering hidden truths seem central to Emma’s journey. What was the significance of these themes for you as an author?

Margaret Mantor: Deception plays a big role in Emma’s story because it mirrors the way we often experience life. We all deal with moments when what we thought was true turns out to be a lie, whether that’s in our personal lives or in the larger world. For Emma, the truths she uncovers about her family and the Elementum world challenge everything she’s ever known. I wanted to explore how we cope with these revelations—do we rise above them, or do they break us?

4. How did you approach developing the unique abilities of the Elementums, and how do they reflect the conflicts in the story?

Margaret Mantor: Creating the Elementum abilities was one of the most exciting parts of writing Air and Ashes. I wanted each ability to reflect both the character’s personality and the conflict they face. For instance, Emma’s aunt, Viv, is an Igniter, someone who can manipulate fire, which reflects her fierce protectiveness and spunky spirit. On the other hand, Kaden’s icy abilities mirror his internal struggles and emotional turmoil. These abilities aren’t just flashy powers—they come with consequences, and they often deepen the conflicts between the characters and within themselves.

5. Can you share your experience of world-building for Air and Ashes? What challenges or surprises did you encounter?

Margaret Mantor: World-building was a massive part of the creative process for Air and Ashes. I had to create not only the Elementum society but also how they exist within our world without being discovered. Balancing the “hidden-in-plain-sight” aspect of Arcadius and the Clinic was a challenge because I wanted it to feel real, like this secret world could be happening right now, beneath the surface of our own. I was surprised by how much detail it required—everything from the government structures to the training systems for Elementums had to make sense. But once the world started to come together, it felt like its own living entity, which was incredibly rewarding.

6. The relationship dynamics in Air and Ashes are both complex and pivotal to the plot. How did you approach writing the emotional connections between the characters?

Margaret Mantor: The relationships in the book are at the heart of the story. Emma’s bond with her aunt, her growing connection with Kaden, and the friendships she forms at the Breakpoint are what drive the plot forward. I wanted the emotions to feel authentic, even amidst all the action. Characters like Emma and Kaden are carrying a lot of emotional baggage, and I wanted to show how that affects the way they relate to one another. Their relationships are messy, imperfect, and sometimes painful, but that’s what makes them real.

7. In Air and Ashes, the Clinic and Arcadius represent two opposing forces. How did you develop these factions, and what do they symbolize in the story?

Margaret Mantor: The Clinic and Arcadius represent two sides of the same coin. The Clinic is a representation of unchecked power, a system that preys on the emotions and desperations of human nature and values control at any cost. On the other hand, Arcadius is a refuge for Elementums, but it’s not perfect either. They’re constantly on the defensive, trying to protect themselves from the Clinic’s reach. The conflict between these two groups is symbolic of the larger theme in the book—how power, when placed in the wrong hands, can destroy lives, but also how those who are oppressed can rise up to challenge that power.

8. How has writing Air and Ashes changed you as a writer, and what do you hope readers take away from the story?

Margaret Mantor: Writing Air and Ashes taught me a lot about patience and persistence. Building a world this complex took time, but it also taught me that good storytelling comes from creating characters people can relate to, even in a fantastical setting. I hope readers take away the message that no matter how lost you feel, no matter how much the world tries to define you, you have the power to find your own place and fight for your truth. That’s what Emma’s journey is all about.

As readers dive into the world of Air and Ashes, they’ll discover not only a thrilling adventure filled with danger and excitement but also a heartfelt exploration of identity, power, and belonging. Margaret Mantor’s debut novel is sure to captivate fans of action, science fantasy, and emotionally driven stories. We can’t wait to see what she has in store for us next!