Amino acids, the Pythagorean theorem, and the phenomena of resonance are a few of the many things Abduljabar Totonji also known as Jabs recalls learning about in middle and high school. Taxes, insurance, contracts, and purchasing a home are not on that list. “Growing up, I was always perplexed why important life skills weren’t taught in school” Jabs states, “I wrote Home Buying 101 to help others navigate through the home buying process in a simple and straightforward way”.
Jabs has been working in real estate investments for over ten years now. He obtained an undergraduate degree in economics from George Mason University and a graduate degree in real estate finance from Georgetown University. He currently serves as the Chief Investment Officer at Golden Eagle Group, a midsize investment firm, focusing on multifamily properties and large single tenant net leased office buildings. “Real Estate is a part of who I am; I grew up around it and want to share that passion with others.”

Jabs writes the book in a conversational tone to engage with the reader and simplify the complicated process to homeownership. Former Virginia Congressman, Jim Moran, had high praise for Home Buying 101 “The book exemplifies his [Jabs] intellectual brilliance and his charismatic ability to relate to all different walks of life, cultures, styles, and income levels. It is easy to read but impossible to forget.”
Unlike a textbook, the book is short and informal. It is the “Cliffs Notes” version, filled with information and tips Jabs has learned throughout his real estate career. Albert Einstein once said: “The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple” Jabs accomplishes this in his book “Home Buying 101: What They Don’t Teach You in the Classroom”.
“Home Buying 101: What They Don’t Teach You in the Classroom” by Abduljabar “Jabs” Totonji can be purchased on and