Request a Correction

At The Washington Mail, an integral publication of the Enspirers News Group, we are committed to journalistic integrity and ensuring the accuracy of our reporting. If you believe there has been an error or inaccuracy in one of our articles or features, we welcome your feedback and will address the issue promptly.

How to Request a Correction:
If you believe an error has been made, please provide the following details to help us investigate and resolve the matter:

  • The article or content in question (including headline, date, and link)
  • A description of the issue or error
  • Supporting evidence, if applicable (such as factual corrections or sources)

Please send your request to:

  • Email:
  • CC:

We take all correction requests seriously and will work swiftly to correct any errors. Our goal is to maintain the trust of our readers by ensuring that every piece of content is accurate and reliable. Thank you for helping us maintain the high standards of journalism that The Washington Mail stands for.