Who is above all to consider, and whose name is there worthy of lifting up? Would it be the President of the United States of America? Could it be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? Would it be the King of Thailand? Who would it be? Well, an answer to those must be Jesus Christ, the King of King, the Lord of Lord, the King of Israel. Worthy is thy Holy Son Jesus Christ to worship and praise.
Came forth, the Son of Abraham, born in Bethlehem, the Son of God, the Son of King David. Came into our own human image on this global planet called an earth. Grown up in Nazareth, and was named Nazarene which defined “Jesus of Nazareth”. The only true Son of God, the Above All. Came into Jordan River to be baptized by John the Baptist, and was baptized. And, right after Jesus Christ was baptized, the Spirit of God descending from above marking who His Son is. This clearly shows who Jesus Christ is, the Son of an Above All, Amen.
Since then, Jesus began His ministry with thy true purpose of the need of repentance for the lost world, the lost sin, who were under an authority and power of the ruler of the world, thy enemy Satan. Right here, it clearly shows the love of God, for it is love that God has felt pity upon thy creations, the lost world. Came to show mercy and forgiveness for those who ever believed that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God thy Heavenly Father. Doing all kinds of miracles that could be seen from the eyes of human beings, if we turn on to the pages of a Holy Bible, all things have been truly written, who Jesus is, what Jesus had done while He was on earth. The greatest teacher of all, and does turn into the “Gospel for All”, not just in His time on earth, but till now, the teaching of Jesus Christ is for all, and all for all. For all existing human beings living creatures on earth, the world. See the world through the scriptures of Jesus teaching, as long as you believe, you’ll find it. It’s a living powerful scripture for all, and all for all. Just BELIEVED it. If it’s hard to believe it at the first time, make your second or third or fourth movement, there will be time that you’ll believe it until you believe it, Amen.

The crucifixion. After all, His ministerial service on earth has been accomplished, it was true that Jesus Christ was crucified at the Calvary Cross in Old Jerusalem in Israel. Dying for the sins of the world. Ever wonder, will it be for the one who crucified Him at the Cross during those days too? The one who nails Him at the Cross? Well, an answer to that is “Yes, Jesus died for all and for all an existing living breath of life, then and now, and always now, until the second coming”. Repent, ask for forgiveness…. The loving arms of God through thy Holy Son Jesus Christ is always welcoming everyone. Repent, before it is too late, Amen.
In the Name of the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ) and of thy Holy Spirit, let the world with a true repentance be filled with mercy and love.
Hello! In addition to the above message, I have recently covered two Christian/Gospel songs. I covered “Lord, I Lift Your Name on High” and “Above All”.
A song “Lord, I lift Your Name of High” that has been written by Rick Founds was released on June 17th, 2022. And another song “Above All” that has been written by Le Blanc Leonard J and Baloche Paul Joseph was recently released on July 1st, 2022. As for a formality I have been approved for a cover licensed to both the songs.
I am a recording artist and I am a Christian, a believer of Jesus Christ by faith, born and grown up in a Christian family background. As this could be an introduction for many who haven’t heard about me, I am a business owner, a singer-songwriter, I have written more than 20+ songs since my first debut album in 2017. For more details about me, do visit my website Vanlalchhanhima Ralte.
I’m not just base on only one genre, I do wrote and sung different genre, but what I do love the best is all the Christian Pop/Gospel Pop genre I had ever written, and they are the best to sing them at all time because it is all dedicated to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the best communion and fellowship.
For any future releases, if I’m still in good health and living by the grace of God, whether it will be a Single, EP, Album or another Cover, I’m sure to make it happen again.
“Lord, I Lift Your Name on High”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/2xRSmGjqLhVscIbmGOuRzJ?si=ZQ9sj-aCSCeOYa_BYOEhTw
“Above All”
YouTube (Vevo):
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6cNwnsF7LMvluKlhHO4aIJ?si=mAq9D3MsRsKr2n5tI3izaA